It all started with a simple idea.
And folding paper.

Connecting People

Involving people, bringing them together and connecting them in creative work is a major part of this art-for-peace project. All those origami paper doves, a flock growing from place to place, have been folded by people around the world. People of all ages, colours, religion or social backgrounds. When folding the doves, they interact, communicate, help each other, while at the same time feeling the bond of becoming a part of this global art project.

Create your dove!

Download the instruction here

Jerusalem, Mount Zion

White Doves as blow-up sculptures at Salisbury Cathedral

Mountain view

“Blow-Ups” Sculpture series, 2018

The series of large-scale sculptures formed out of the urge to change perspectives and dimensions. After the enormous success of Les Colombes, I continuously looked for new ways of approaching the theme. The series of the “Blow-Ups” is made of fiberglass and raisin.

Porcelain doves in cooperation with Nymphenburg Manufactury

I felt extremely honoured when in 2020 my doves were transformed into pristine porcelain by the artisans of the Royal Nymphenburg Porcelain manufacturers for a project in the United States. Today, 470 birds are spreading the Art For Peace message in the atrium of the Marathon Oil Tower in Houston Texas. The evolution from paper to porcelain gave me the opportunity to explore this beautiful, supreme material that is so perfectly fitting the dove concept.

The collaboration resulted in my artist edition “The White Doves” – a collab with which I join a list of most amazing artist collabs including Damien Hirst, Kiki Smith and Max Rossbach. The porcelain doves are available on the nymphenburg.de website.


Permanent Installations

The White Doves at Marathon Oil Tower, Houston, Texas

The installation in Houston is the first permanent display of Les Colombes. The doves sculpted in porcelain by skilled artisans at the Royal Porzellan Manufaktur Nymphenburg, one of the most prestigious manufacturer, based in Munich and dating back to the 18th century (see above). The doves evoke a magical twist and sense of poetry in the building and the atrium.

Gallery Prints

Selected photographs of Les Colombes will soon be available as limited editions. Each print and photo will be signed and numbered. Framed photo editions will also be available soon. Please stay tuned, contact me via this website or send an e-mail to info@pendry.de if interested.

Online shop coming soon


Over the constant evolution of this project, I experimented with material, size and production processes of the doves. In the end, the move from analog to digital appeared as the right step to again push the limits. The results of the 3D print will be published here soon. 3D prints will also be available in an Art Edition.



Workshops & Lectures

  • Create

    Creating the large scale sculpture, the flock of doves, is one o f the main parts of installing Les Colombes of course. But also giving workshops and folding doves together with children, students and visitors from the exhibtion.

  • Talk

    Talking and communicating is the glue of our society and what brings us together. The approachable and openminded nature of Michael Pendry seems to be a big asset not just for young people and students to learn more about art and how it is created.

  • Lecture

    Giving lectures on the impact of art is becoming more and more a big part in Michael Pendry´s work. Art can make a change. Let´s talk about it and fight for the importance of art and culture in our world.